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Welcome to The Church of Mother of Mercy 

1212 First Ave, Asbury Park, NJ, 07712.  Tel 732-775-1056

United in Faith, We build On Our Future



Monday -Friday

9:00 AM to 5:00 PM


En estos tiempos modernos, la Madre de la
Misericordia comienza a aceptar donaciónes
electrónicas a través de su computadora, tableta o teléfono celular.

• Establecer sus propias contribuciones
• Se puede cambiar las contribuciones en cualquier momento
• Su donación es automática y segura
• La donación electrónica es más eficiente, práctica y fácil


Usted puede pensar que su LUZ es
PEQUEÑA, pero puede hacer una GRAN
diferencia en las VIDAS de otras personas

Mother of Mercy Parish accepts donations
electronically using your computer, tablet or smart

• Set up your own contributions
• Change your contributions at any time
• Your donation is automatic

and safe
• Electronic giving is efficient, practical and easy

Start your donation here!

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Latest News and Announcements

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We are a multicultural Roman Catholic Community responding to the call of Christ.  As disciples of Christ led by the Spirit, we are continuously striving to create a Christian Community that welcomes and accepts all people. We hold all life sacred and live out our discipleship as faithful stewards of our time, talent, and treasure so that enlightened by God's Word and nourished by the Eucharist we may labor tirelessly to make God's Kingdom visibly present among us.
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The Vatican

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2018 Mother of Mercy Parish

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